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SHOPIFY Tobias Lutke  – WAVE Kirk Simpson – TOP HAT Andrew Dsouza – GROW 2013 – SOMBILON PHOTOGRAPHYDANNY ROBINSON AND IAN WALKER OF PERCH - GROW 2013 - RON SOMBILON PHOTOGRAPHY-FBMATT GOLDEN of GOLDEN VENTURE PARTNERS - GROW 2013 - SOMBILON CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHYQUIT WASTING TIME ON IDEAS THAT SUCK - DANIEL BURKA and JAKE KNAPP- GOOGLE VENTUES - GROW 2013 - RON SOMBILON PHOTOGRAPHY-FBDEBBIE LANDA and ROBERT SCOBLE- TERMINATOR vs INVISIBLE GIRL- GROW2013- SOMBILON CREATIVE--EditCHECKFRONT- GROW 2013 - Creative Photos by Ron Sombilon-Facebook strategyBetty White ArtArt Presented to Betty White from Comedy FestivalArt Presented to Betty White from Comedy FestivalArt Presented to Betty White from Comedy FestivalBOB SAGET PASSION CHASER ART TRIBUTE  by RON SOMBILON ART and PHOTOGRAPHY - VANCOUVER COMEDY and ARTS FEST 2013-28-WEBCarol Burnett ArtArt Presented to Carol Burnett from Comedy FestivalArt Presented to Carol Burnett from Comedy FestivalReggie Watts ArtREGGIE WATTS –PASSION CHASER ART PIECE – SIGNING -  VANCOUVER COMEDY and ARTS FEST Art by RON SOMBILON-23-LOGOBare Naked Ladies Art Piece PresentationArt of BMW presentation to Jay Leno